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Mary Rogers is your virtual midlife best friend.

Dec 3, 2017

Gretchen Harfst, 54, thought she had experienced the trigger of her midlife transition when she was downsized out of her corporate career. Little did she know that a heart transplant was in her near future. Read...

Nov 20, 2017

Author Juju Hook is on a mission to change the lives of a million women. So, let's start with you. I am completely onboard.

Juju is 50, she gets it. After a long and very successful career spent working with global companies on their brand, she has turned her attention to midlife women. 

We're talking about your...

Nov 17, 2017

My favorite Thanksgiving story. 


Nov 15, 2017

Take control of your holidays this year! Health and happiness can be yours with a helpful checklist. Guest, Kim Acedo, is back!

Kim Acedo, MS, CHWC works exclusively with women in midlife who have been putting their health and self-care on the back burner for most of their lives and now in their midlife years...

Nov 8, 2017

We get to do some myth busting on preventing diminished cognition or Alzheimer’s Disease with Kate Pierce, LMSW with the Alzheimer’s Association.

How many time’s have you thought “OMG, I’m getting Alzheimer’s!”, when you lose your car keys, forget a password or can’t recall somebody’s name?

There are...