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Mary Rogers is your virtual midlife best friend.

Dec 28, 2018

Your fifth decade will bring more changes than any previous decade. Get ready and hold on tight. Guest Rob Bialostocki guides us through his experiences and his lessons of graceful navigation. 

Visit Experience50.com for more information

Dec 10, 2018

Midlife creates some interesting holiday twists. Adult kids and their relationships may put traditions on the back burner. 

You can ruin Christmas in a SNAP! by: 

  1. Having unrealistic or silent expectations
  2. Being stubborn about your traditions and having things "your way"
  3. Lacking imagination

This episode includes, in...

Dec 9, 2018

Our annual check-in with midlife health - wellness coach and trainer Kim Acedo of Transformation Wellness for Women.

A gentle reminder to be kind to yourself during the holiday season as we look back on our year, plan ahead, and face the buffet table.

Nov 29, 2018

You think YOU are going through a transition? Midlife changes come in different sizes, scopes, and packaging. Caroline Leyburn, 58, transitioned from a male body to a female body. That is a big pivot!

Listeners who support the podcast through Patreon can watch the full-length unedited video of our conversation.

E50 E134 Midlife Gender Pivot


Nov 16, 2018

Midlifers are just as bad as teens when it comes to internet addiction. True! Facebook, Candy Crush, Pinterest. Meet Kevin Roberts, author of Cyber Junkie: Escape the Gaming and Internet Trap and Get Off That Game: The Essential Family Guide to Healthy Screen Behavior

Mary and Kevin discuss our bad habits and...